有多少愛可以重來 (黃仲崑, 摩登兄弟劉宇寧 ) | Cover | Kaze So

Описание к видео 有多少愛可以重來 (黃仲崑, 摩登兄弟劉宇寧 ) | Cover | Kaze So

最近閒時再看到手機未上傳的影片,現放上另一條Anita 三年前用心給我特製的影片。很喜歡你用士多啤梨圖🍓來提示歌詞❤️ 再次感謝您替我製作這麼美好的影片🙏🙏祝福您❤️‪@anitamusicchannel6835‬ 「有多少愛可以重來」希望大家喜歡啊!❤️

I found some videos that have not been uploaded on my phone lately when I scroll through my phone. Now I'm uploading another video that Anita specially made for me three years ago. I really like that you used strawberry pic🍓 to prompt the lyrics❤️ Thank you again for making such a beautiful video for me🙏🙏Bless you❤️@anitamusicchannel6835 "How Many love can Once More" I hope you all like it! ❤️


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