Star Trek Discovery: Why the Stacey Abrams Cameo Matters

Описание к видео Star Trek Discovery: Why the Stacey Abrams Cameo Matters

Star Trek Discovery's Season 4 Episode 13 - the season finale - wrapped up what had, until then, just been an amusingly bad series. But Stacey Abrams' cameo was bad for more serious reasons.

Star Trek, which once aspired to be universalist, to teach us about values and to see past ideological divides, has been turned into a partisan, party-political propaganda piece that actively campaigns for present-day political candidates.

And, in Stacey Abrams, it has endorsed a woman who has demonstrably lied to further her career and her political interests, and who has stoked up racial division for her own personal gain.

We on this channel are not Republicans. The author of this video is not a conservative. You don't need to be a Republican or a conservative to think this was terrible move by the writers of Star Trek Discovery.


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