Fibrocystic breast- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. Fibrocystic Breast Disease;

Описание к видео Fibrocystic breast- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. Fibrocystic Breast Disease;

Fibrocystic breast changes is most common breast condition. It affects around 60 % of women.
Fibrocystic breast is umbrella term for various non-malignant lesions of breast.
Most Commonly, Fibrocystic breast is described: as painful breast, and the pain is correlated with menstrual cycle.
More pain before menstruation, and pain goes away, or minimize after menstruation.
The breasts may be described as "lumpy" or "doughy". fibrous tissue, cyst formation and a lumpy, cobblestone texture in the breasts are common.
These lumps are smooth with well defined edges, and free-moving regarding adjacent structures.
They're often found in the upper, outer sections of the breast (nearest to the armpit), but can be found throughout the breast.
The lumps in fibrocystic breasts tend to fluctuate in size throughout the month and are usually movable.
Breasts and nipples may also be tender or itchy.
Fibrocystic breast previously was called fibrocystic breast disease, but nowadays it is not considered disease. That’s why the term: Fibrocystic breast changes is used.
Under Microscope fibrocystic breast looks like: Fluid-filled round or oval sacs which is called cysts, and
A prominence of scar-like fibrous tissue, which is called fibrosis.
Also other type of changes are common, like overgrowth of cells and enlarged breast lobules.
Exact cause of Fibrocystic breast is not known, but it tied to hormone level fluctuation, the condition usually subsides after menopause, and is closely related to the menstrual cycle.
Fibrocystic breast is an exclusion diagnosis. It means, at first breast cancer should be rule out.
Nipple fluid aspiration can also be used as classification cyst type method.
Sometimes Biopsy or fine needle aspiration are indicated.
Breast is examined visually and manually also, and axillary and neck lymph nodes should be examined.
Imagining studies have important role in diagnostic of breast diseases.
mammography, X-rays, MRIs and ultrasound studies are used. Mammography is usually the first imaging test to be ordered when unusual breast changes are found during a clinical breast examination.
Most women with fibrocystic changes who are asymptomatic do not need treatment, only a closer follow-up may be advised.
oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy role is not fully determined in treatment of fibrocystic breast.
For pain, over-the-counter medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used.
Apply heat or ice on the breast can have some benefit.
Wearing a well-fitting bra or a sports bra is recommended.
Caffeine reduction can have some positive effect on fibrocystic breast.
Fibrocystic breast have good prognosis. Usually not associated with serious complications. Commonly it subsides after menopause.
Fibrocystic breast is not associated with breast cancer. And risk of breast cancer in many cases is not increased.
If it characterized hyperplasia then risk is increased two to three folds.
But it can make breast cancer difficult to identify.
For women who has family history of breast cancer, the risk is doubled independently histological features of fibrocystic breast.
By Mekuix - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
By Mekuix - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
By Librepath - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
By Nephron - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


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