MBAACC F Akiha combos & setups

Описание к видео MBAACC F Akiha combos & setups

0:00-00:39 Just some carry combos. Combos listed from least carry to longest carry.

0:30 This corner carry combo's a little tricky. You have to delay the 4C after 2C to get them as low to the ground as possible.

0:40 OTG string into 412A

0:51 OTG string into 623C. Lets you set up a pit on opponent's wake up to start your pressure.

1:02 pit canceled into 623C. Make sure you're not too into the corner so the pit stays right under the opponent. Lets you do some mix ups afterwards.

1:14-1:46 OTG string into 22a 236C. If the opponent tries to tech back/forward, they'll get hit by 236C and you can combo them afterwards. If they tech neutral or just wake up normally, they can block but you can continue pressuring them afterwards by releasing the pit a little later.

1:47 Corner IH combo into unblockable setup. I kinda messed up the timing for the Arc Drive so you can just throw me out of it. Even with the messed up timing you still can't block or jump out of it though. But if timed correctly the you shouldn't be able to do anything other than get grabbed or hit by the Arc Drive unless you do a reversal with really really long invincibility frames.
Block: Get grabbed
Try to jump and chicken block: Get guard broken
Dodge/Jump Dodge: Get grabbed
Shield/Jump Shield: Get grabbed

The thing about this unblockable setup is that you have to time it so that the 412A detonates just around the same time as when the Arc Drive is coming out. If you time the 412A too late then it just disappears when you do the Arc Drive. You pretty much want to do the 412A as soon as you land unless the opponent's character has a really slow wake up(Ex: Kouma & Ries).


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