Seating Review of

Описание к видео Seating Review of

First things first…

Well done K-Mart, for creating a doll who uses a #wheelchair! This thoughtful product not only reflects #inclusivity but also serves as an excellent educational tool, teaching young children that we all come in different shapes and sizes.

Having worked with wheelchair users for a decade, I know how much it means to children to see themselves represented in the toys they play with. This doll shows that moving around differently is perfectly normal and can be just as fun and adventurous.

I also think it’s fantastic that the wheelchair doll will inspire #ImaginativePlay. I'll tell you now… If I had this toy as a child, I would have imagined the wheelchair as an indestructible, ultra-speedy, turbo-boosted, superfast rocket chair! WEWWWW! And, if I saw a child using a wheelchair in real life, I’d be like "WOW!"... I’d probably be a rugrat and push the chair without asking, super-fast, in a child-like, learning-boundaries way but hey – I’m a kid. Better me being overly excited than me being unnecessarily scared of the ‘kid in a wheelchair’ because I don’t understand.

So, K-Mart...well done. From a man-child who works a lot with wheelchair users, I think this product is dope. If you want help designing the next version, hit me up.

#OccupationalTherapy #AssistiveTechnology #Wheelchairs #Seating #Education #OTstudent #PhysicalTherapy #Physiotherapy #CRT #OccupationalTherapist #PhysicalTherapist


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