Functions of a Teacher by Bertrand Russell | Unpopular Essays | Prose | Urdu Hindi

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Functions of a Teacher by Bertrand Russell | Unpopular Essays | Prose | Urdu Hindi

“Functions of a Teacher”byBertrand Russell(Prose)
Teaching (Comparison between Past and Present)
Teachers are bound (State, Bureaucrats)
Not According to Their Wish
Unthinking Fanatics
Inculcate beliefs which are wise and sensible
Renaissance and Modern time
Teacher should aloof from political parties
Skills (Inborn)
Should act as a guardian
No flattering
Warm Affection towards pupils
Not for Exams but for real knowledge
Makes civilized
Not to surrender
Freedom of teaching and tolerance
“The teachers have no authority to decide what shall be taught or what the methods of instruction are to be.”

Bertrand Russell – Functions of a Teacher
“the immense majority of educational institutions are hampered and controlled by men who do not understand the work with which they are interfering”.

“The only way to prevent totalitarianism in our highly organized world is to secure a certain degree of independence for bodies performing useful public work, and among such bodies teachers deserve a foremost place.”

“Most teachers are overworked and are compelled to prepare their pupils for examinations rather than to give them a liberalizing mental training. The result is that many of them become harassed and nervous, out of touch with recent work in the subjects that they teach, and unable to inspire their students with a sense of the intellectual delights to be obtained from new understanding and new knowledge.”

“The function of a teacher, however, is not merely to mitigate the heat of current controversies. He has more positive tasks to perform, and he cannot be a great teacher unless he is inspired by a wish to perform these tasks. Teachers are more than any other class the guardians of civilization. They should be intimately aware of what civilization is, and desirous of imparting a civilized attitude to their pupils.”


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