Where All The Roads Have Ended (Remastered) [English & German] - Alderon Tyran

Описание к видео Where All The Roads Have Ended (Remastered) [English & German] - Alderon Tyran

"Where All The Roads Have Ended" is the English title for "Wo Alle Straßen Enden", A song that reflects the drear and depression of war. While the Original German is clearly about WWI, with explicit reference to the French and Russian Enemy, but for the English version I opted to make is somewhat more universal, with lyrics that could be applied to most conflicts.

This was the first song that I ever posted on my channel, and after 2 years I feel that I've come some way from that original version. I won't be removing it, but I felt that such a foundational song of the chanel ought to be updated with the better recording equipment and guitarwork.

To spice the song up from that earlier version, I tried my hand at fully doing the song in German (This part starts at 5:00 exactly). While no native speaker by any means, I hope that pronunciation and enunciation are at least understandable!

Lass mich wissen, ob alles in Ordnung klingt! Und Dankeschön fürs Zuhören!

I hope you enjoy!

Lyrics (English):

Where all the roads have ended, the path we walk has not.
The land that we defended, has all begun to rot.
Our hearts had burned, now pained, and spurned.
That’s how we’re all forsaken now in the grey no-man‘s-land.
Perhaps we will never return to our dearest homeland.

My Father, Mother, Sister, my purpose, and my pain.
The Orchestra of Cannons, holds nothing left to gain.
The Captain Cries, „Bring Their Demise!“
Our blood is given in devotion to our glorious lord,
Within the bloody thunderstorm of the condemn’ed horde.

The Field post is lost now, the mud is ankle deep.
Some roots that smell like corpses, are all we have to eat.
We’ve gone astray, so cold, we stay.
Our dearest ones, we’ve been without for an entire year,
But now we must protect the East from the crazed en‘my here.

The clouds are moving East Now, the towns are burning down,
The youthful men are dying, for death is all around.
They burned the land, My own, homeland.
The eyes that dare look on the land are met with ghastly war.
Like them, will I soon lie in a cold grave forevermore?

I walk this line of corpses, for here so many lie,
Just yesterday they guessed not, that this would be goodbye.
Who knows? Not us, our grand purpose!
Who knows how long the sun will shine before I will be free.
I’ll only know that I’m deceased when Mother cries for me.

Songtext (Deutch):

Wo alle Straßen enden, hört unser Weg nicht auf.
Wohin wir uns auch wenden, die Zeit nimmt ihren Lauf.
Das Herz, verbrannt, im Schmerz, verbannt.
So ziehen wir verloren durch das graue Niemandsland.
Vielleicht kehrt von uns keiner mehr zurück ins Heimatland.

Zu Vater, Mutter, Schwester geht einzig unser Sinn.
Beim Kanonenorchester hier gibt es kein' Gewinn.
Hauptmann befiehl! Auf ran ans Ziel!
So geben wir in Treue für den Kaiser unser Blut,
im blutigen Gewitter der verfluchten Franzmannbrut.

Die Feldpost ist verschollen, der Schlamm ist knöcheltief.
Man isst nur Wurzelknollen, es riecht der Leichenmief.
Wir sind verlor'n, im Wind erfror'n.
Herzliebste uns schon trennt bereits ein ganzes langes Jahr,
doch auch im Osten braucht es Schutz vor wilder Russenschar.

Die Wolken zieh'n nach Osten, und Dörfer steh'n in Brand,
Wir durften jung schon kosten des Todes bitt're Hand.
Verbrannt das Land, in Hand, nur Sand.
Die Augen flackern angefüllt vom grauenvollen Krieg.
Ob ich bald wie die andren jung im kühlen Grabe lieg.

So geh ich auf und nieder beschau die Leichenschar,
die gestern um die Stunde gesund und munter war.
Wer weiß wohin? So heiß, der Sinn!
Wer weiß wie lange noch für mich die helle Sonne scheint.
Ich weiß nur wenn ich sterb' um mich die brave Mutter weint.

Wir sind verloren

English Version: (0:00)
Deutsche Fassung: (5:00)


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