EVE Online - Clear Skies 2 (FULL LENGTH HQ)

Описание к видео EVE Online - Clear Skies 2 (FULL LENGTH HQ)

Eve Online Hold'Em is Eve Online's premiere poker service. We offer a range of games including Tournaments and Sit-n-go, for people with varied budgets. We have traded for over 4 years, and many people have walked away with winnings in the billions of ISK. Visit us at http://www.eohpoker.com, where it's never over until the river.

This is the second movie in the "Clear Skies" trilogy, a series of EVE Online movies created by John Rourke (Ian Chisholm), and has been published with permission from the author. This movie is a cinematic masterpiece, and has been a favorite of the entire eve online community.

the Clear Skies trilogy is available for purchase on the official website, http://www.clearskiesthemovie.com



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