EVE Online - Clear Skies 1 (FULL LENGTH HQ)

Описание к видео EVE Online - Clear Skies 1 (FULL LENGTH HQ)

Eve Online Hold'Em is Eve Online's premiere poker service. We offer a range of games including Tournaments and Sit-n-go, for people with varied budgets. We have traded for over 4 years, and many people have walked away with winnings in the billions of ISK. Visit us at http://www.eohpoker.com, where it's never over until the river.

This is the first movie in the "Clear Skies" trilogy, an EVE Online movie created by John Rourke (Ian Chisholm), and has been published with permission from the author. This movie is a cinematic masterpiece, and has been a favorite of the entire eve online community.

Clear Skies and its sequels are available for purchase on the official website, http://www.clearskiesthemovie.com



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