We Are All Just Afraid - Lessons from Nausicaa

Описание к видео We Are All Just Afraid - Lessons from Nausicaa

Disclaimer: Sorry about the weird editing! This got hit by a copyright notice when I first uploaded it, and I tried 12 different versions trying to get by it. Eventually I just disputed it, but for some reason I used one of the different versions rather than the original. Please excuse the jankiness! Also, this video was created a couple of weeks ago, before many stay-at-home orders were placed. A couple of days ago, the CDC updated their policy on masks, stating that they recommend covering your mouth with a cloth, non-medical mask when leaving the house for essentials. I've included some info in the additional reading section regarding this. Please wear a mask, for the protection of others!

Miyazaki interestingly enough, gave an answer in an interview directly about Nausicaa's breasts—in fact he went out of his way to bring it up.

Miyazaki: Nausicaä’s breasts are quite large, don’t you think?
Interviewer: Yes. (laughs)
Miyazaki: That’s not only so she’ll be able to breast feed her children, or for sleeping with the guy she likes. They’re when she embraces the old man and old ladies in the castle when they are dying. I think her bosom is something like that. That’s why it had to become big.
Interviewer: Ah...I see... (Shock!)
Miyazaki: When she held them to her chest, they could die peacefully. I thought her bosom needed to be as such.

I think this sums Nausicaa up quite well... motherly warmth and affection. In the movie, this affection extends not only to her fellow humans, but to each and every living thing she comes across, whether they be furry and warm or hard and spiny. Despite being made ages ago, there's a lot we can still learn from Nausicaa, and I imagine for years to come as well.

Wilson, Edward Osborne. Half-Earth: Our Planet's Fight for Life. Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2017.


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