Rayman PSX - Candy Chateau & Ending

Описание к видео Rayman PSX - Candy Chateau & Ending

The final challenge awaits Rayman.
Kind of an odd set of stages for a villain to have as his lair especially one called Mr. Dark, nevertheless all three of the stages provide a unique challenge.

The layout of each stage might be quite basic in appearance, but the challenge doesn't need to come from here.
The first you're riding a spoon over what appears to be cake, yes cake. You have to jump over holes and puddles of what looks like custard/jam.
The second stage you'll constantly be on the move as a Dark Rayman will follow you a few steps behind, if he touches you, you will die instantly. Just take it cautiously, particularly around the cakes with icing as they are slippery. If you find yourself cornered, you could always jump over him.
The third stage sees your left/right reversed for the bulk of the level. This is easy enough to adapt too, but like the previous level, slippery surfaces will be more troublesome. After you're about 2/3 of the way through the level your controls will be normalised. A few more steps and Mr. Dark will make you auto run to the right, so you have to keep jumping when necessary. This shouldn't prove a problem really as I regularly jump off much smaller ledges than on this stage throughout the walkthrough.

Now it's time for the boss(es). Dodge the flame walls and flame balls and grab the fist. The first boss is a combo of Mr. Stone and Mr. Skops. Stand so you're positioned on the symbol of Mr. Dark, over his left eye in fact. Jump just as he launches his claw and smack your fist out. As he retracts his claw, jump again and smack him again with your fist.
The second boss is a fusion of Space Mama and Moskito, duck near the middle and as they both approach the bottom, jump and launch your fist. You should jump over their dual shot, and hit the one you're facing. They may also occasionaly hit each other. Repeat until death.

The final boss....... a fusion of Mr. Sax, Moskito and Space Mama. You're also miniature, which is nice. Just keep running and jump up as this boss pounds the ground and smack it with your fist. Repeat until dead.

So you've beat the game, are treated to a firework display and some nice artwork during the credits, but what of Mr. Dark? Hopefully, he's finding a way to get rid of those Rabbids.


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