Larynx (Voice Box) - Cartilage, Ligaments, Joints, Wall, Cavity | Anatomy

Описание к видео Larynx (Voice Box) - Cartilage, Ligaments, Joints, Wall, Cavity | Anatomy

0:00 Introduction
0:50 Orientation of the Larynx
1:47 Cartilage of the Larynx
2:42 Thyroid Cartilage
3:30 Cricoid Cartilage
4:06 Epiglottis
4:31 Arytenoid Cartilages
5:11 Corniculate Cartilage
5:27 Cuneiform Cartilages
6:00 Ligaments and Joints
9:32 Laryngeal Wall
10:19 Tunica Mucosa
11:31 Tela Submucosa
13:06 Muscles of the Larynx
15:46 Tunica Adventitia
16:03 Laryngeal Cavity

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Larynx Orientation:
Located between the hyoid bone and the trachea and in front of the esophagus
Skeletopy: C4-5 to C6-7
Function of the Larynx:
○ Air Passage
○ Produces sound through Phonation

Cartilage of the Larynx:
3 Unpaired Cartilages
○ Epiglottis
○ Thyroid Cartilage
○ Cricoid Cartilage
3 Paired Cartilages
○ Arytenoid Cartilage
○ Corniculate Cartilage
○ Cuneiform Cartilage

Thyroid Cartilage (Cartilago Thyroidea):
Right Lamina (Lamina Dextra)
Left Lamina (Lamina Sinistra)
Laryngeal Prominence (Prominentia Laryngea)
○ Adam's Apple
Superior Horn (Cornua Superiora)
Inferior Horn (Cornua Inferiora)

Cricoid Cartilage (Cartilago Cricoidea):
Arch (Arcus)
Plate (Lamina)
Arytenoid Articular Surface (Facies Articularis Arytenoidea)
Thyroid Articular Surface (Facies Articularis Thyroidea)

Lies behind the cartilage and hyoid bone
Attached to the thyroid cartilage
Function: Closing off for the respiratory system when you swallow and open up the respiratory pathway when you breath

Arytenoid Cartilages (Cartilago Arytenoidea):
Triangular Shape: Apex and Base
Anterior Process: Vocal Process (Processus Vocalis)
Posterior Process: Muscular Process (Processus Muscularis)
Criocoid Articular Surface (Facies Articularis Cricoidea)

Corniculate Cartilage (Cartilago Corniculata):
Lies on top of the arytenoid cartilage
Serves as an attachment point for muscles

Cuneiform Cartilages (Cartilago Cuneiforme):
Aryepiglottic Fold
Cuneiform Tubercle (Tuberculum Cuneiforme )

Laryngeal Ligaments and Laryngeal Joints:
Connections in the Larynx (Juncturae Laryngis):
Continous Articulation (Synarthroses)
○ Cartilaginous (Synchondroses)
○ Fibrous (Syndesmoses)
Discontinuous Articulation (Synovial)
○ Synovial Articulation (Articulatio)

Continous Articulation (Synarthroses)
Cartilaginous (Synchondroses)
○ Between the Corniculate Cartilage and Apex of Arytenoid Cartilage
Fibrous (Syndesmoses)
○ Thyrohyoid Membrane (Membrana Thyrohyoid)
○ Cricothyroid Membrane (Membrana Cricothyroidea)
○ Cricotracheal Ligament (Ligamentum Cricotracheale)
○ Thyroepiglottic Ligament (Ligamentum Thyroepiglottica)
○ Hyoepiglottic Ligament (Ligamentum Hyoepiglotticum)

Discontinuous Articulation (Synovial)
Synovial Articulation (Articulatio)
○ Cricothyroid Articulation (articulatio cricothyroidea)
○ Cricoarytenoid Articulation (articulatio cricoarytenoidea)

Laryngeal Wall
Tunica Mucosa
○ Vestibular Fold (Lines by Respiratory Epithelium)
○ Vocal Fold (Lined by Stratified Squamous Epithelium)
○ Contain Laryngeal Glands and Lymph Nodules
Tela Submucosa
○ Fibroelastic Membrane (Membrana Fibroelastica Laryngis)
§ Quadrangular Membrane (membrana quadrangularis) form vestibular ligament
§ Lateral Cricothyroid Ligament (Conus Elasticus) has a free margin forming the vocal ligament, which is a part of the vocal folds
Muscles (And cartilage):
○ Muscles that open and narrow the laryngeal inlet (entrance)
○ Muscles that open and narrow the Rima Glottidis
○ Muscles that act on the vocal cord
§ Tenses Vocal Cord (Cricothyroid Muscle)
§ Decrease Tension of vocal cord (Vocalis Muscle)
Tunica Adventitia
○ Tough connective tissue consisting mainly of dense collagen fibers

Laryngeal Cavity:
Laryngeal Vestibule (Vestibulum Laryngis)
○ Rima Glottidis
§ Anterior 3/5 is inter-membranous part
§ Posterior 2/5 is intercartilagineous part
§ Phonation: Vocal folds rub into each other
○ Laryngeal Ventricles (Ventriculus Laryngis)
Infraglottic Cavity

Sources used in this video:
Memorix Anatomy 2nd Edition by Hudák Radovan (Author), Kachlík David (Author), Volný Ondřej (Author)
University notes and lectures


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