A Simple Daily Difficulty (Psalm 2)

Описание к видео A Simple Daily Difficulty (Psalm 2)

Sermon for Sunday, May 19, 2024
Title: The Simple Daily Difficulty
Text: Psalm 2
Key Idea: Psalm 2 demonstrates how the simplest decision [see the blessing of Jesus or not to see it] is the most difficult and fought against.

Point 1) The Delusion (vv.1-3)
-David’s words capture the past, present, and future
-He writes about his present experience with nations and enemy kings (v.1) and captures reflects an older problem in all humanity – Genesis 3 delusion
-Humans can see the good designs of God as slavery or limiting ropes
-Application: Everyone in the world, including believers, can see the good of God as bad

Point 2) God’s Confidence (vv.4-6)
-Yet, God is not shaken by our raging and scheming
-Instead, He Laughs, Ridicules, and Keeps His Plans for His King
-Application: We should remind ourselves, like David, to include in our prayers this confidence in God

Point 3) The Resurrected Anointed (vv.7-9)
-Jesus proved that Son and King of God
-Jesus did not take Satan’s shortcut to have authority but conquered and rose victorious over our greatest enemy, death
-Application: Our King has won and proved that He is worthy

Point 4) Encouragements & Warning (vv.10-12)
-Trusting in Jesus as Savior and King is not one-and-done
-Application: See more of Jesus in daily decisions


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