1929 Hudson Super Six Model R Three Window Rumbleseat Coupe Waxahachie Texas antique car roaring 20s

Описание к видео 1929 Hudson Super Six Model R Three Window Rumbleseat Coupe Waxahachie Texas antique car roaring 20s

Incredible 1929 Hudson Model R rumbleseat coupe I was fortunate enough to video on the Waxahachie, Texas courthouse square. Lets take a real close look at this one. I've never seen a Hudson of this vintage & this is a gorgeous example. Samspace81 for daily classic car & truck videos.

I love Pre-War automobiles, barn finds, car shows, muscle cars, movie replica cars, candid interviews with car enthusiasts, TV show cars, old trucks, street rodded trucks, classic hot rod runs, field finds, garage finds, high performance shops, anything with car people & cars or trucks, I'm all about it. I live in East Texas and love to travel ya'll. I'm posting daily automotive related videos right here on YouTube. Enjoy the channel.

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