SMT V ~ Vengeance - Angel of Judgement, Satan (Low Level [69], No Cheese, Hard, Vengeance Path)

Описание к видео SMT V ~ Vengeance - Angel of Judgement, Satan (Low Level [69], No Cheese, Hard, Vengeance Path)

Satan has 100k HP, absorbs resistance/SKILLS of what he plunder; he is seen using Akashic Arts, Trisagion at first, and always use Megidolaon with his last turn unless he absorbs a demon with Megidolaon (note: he will never uses the same skill in the same turn cycle, which rules out the deadly combination of Megidolaon + Megidolaon) and has the tendency to spam Megiddo Ark if:
+) Your entire team null/drain/repel Fire (yes, even if he has Trisagion) and Physical.
+) If your team has 5 or more buffs.
+) If his entire team is debuffed.

Here's the list of all demons that he can summons.
Titania: Elec-barion, Dekaja/kunda, Impaler
Hariti: Slumbering, Marin Karin, Pulinpa, Luster/Debilitate
Arahabaki: Energy Drain, Megidolaon, Concentrate
Ganesha: Figment Slash, Luster/Debilitate, Impaler
Kumbhanda: Yabusame Shot, Luster/Debilitate
Kaiwan: Dark-barion, Dekaja/kunda, Impaler
Fafnir: Force-barion, Dekaja/kunda, Impaler
Yatagarasu: Light-barion, Dekaja/kunda, Impaler
Sraosha: Freikugel, Megidolaon, Concentrate
Sarasvati: Ice-barion, Dekaja/kunda, Impaler
Mada: Fire-barion, Dekaja/kunda, Impaler
Macabre: Slumbering, Toxic Cloud, Makajam, Luster/Debilitate.

Our team is mostly very well adjusted for this fight, carrying both barion skills and Pleroma for damage, with both offensive demons carrying Luster or Debilitate (with some have both since they cant access to things like High Elec Pleroma) respectively and have their weaknesses covered to avoid the summons cheating and hit them for extra turns. Boon Boost EX to avoid spending time refreshing buffs (though they'll be Dekaja/kunda'd to oblivion anyways and most importantly, Enduring Soul. Even at 132 Vitality and 999 HP/MP, they're still taking BIG damage regardless and there's only a limited amount of resources available. 198 Magic is to have actual damage as at 132 none of the demons have actual damage capability and often fail the three turns check near the end and that could cause big issue if Satan decides to plunder Hariti, and finally Agility at 132 since at their base stats everyone misses Satan at -2/+2, no good. Arahabaki is clearly the biggest piece of this puzzle as he lets us play offensively without worrying about buffs/debuffs although for the big price of having the final piece of debuff/buff and a bunch of fucking resistance slotted to his kit, but just enough that he only misses Enduring Soul... which might fucks up the beginning of this fight due to Megiddo Ark RNG.

From the beginning of the fight to 25%, he will always summons two demons in that order (or one if you let him plunder and let the other one alive) and cycle through all 12 demons in a predicable way. Every three turns, he plunders Magatsuhi, and if you kill all demons present on the field in the the turn he's about to plunder, he will cycle back and reset the plundering cycle. If you kill all demons prior to that turn, he will carry out the remaining time.

Every time he plunders, his first turn will always be using that demon's kit except for their support skills, with the second obviously being his own skill. Usually they're pretty weak on its own, and he will use them regardless of whether or not you have immunity to it. The demons summoned however are different. They're trigger happy with their support skills - often you will see two demons using Dekaja or Dekunda like it's fucking Surt Nocturne AI. But, because of how dumb they are, they cheat and can see your resistance - they will never attack into NDR unless they use party-wide version of that skill, just generally unpredictable and annoying.
The priority to kill is always the one with Eternal Prayer and Water of Youth aka Hariti and Sarasvati respectively (this gets complicated later on). The smaller priority is Ganesha due to his Freikugel EX one-shotting everything regardless of buff and debuff, Kaiwan due to the absolute cum shit Soul Drain that costs you one Soma, Fafnir for his Freikugel EX except it's now partywide, and Mada for Impaler's Glory.

Once 25% hit, the chaos begin. He'll start to summon three random demons of his choice in that 12 (not sure if he skips the one that he previously did not summon). Because of this, we have to brute force through other demons' weakness that do not collide with the rest of the demons' resistance and then finish off the most dangerous one, then the mildly dangerous one, making Satan plunders the only one left. And since 6 of the demons shown here are fucking dangerous, boy if he summons all three in that category you're most likely fucked. This is pure hell and RNG. I had a close call, and I fucked up Bucketgetter special, but the fight still ends well thanks to Tao's final Hamabarion.


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