When a Client Is Stuck in the Freeze Response with Peter Levine, PhD

Описание к видео When a Client Is Stuck in the Freeze Response with Peter Levine, PhD

In this free e-book, Bessel van der Kolk, Pat Ogden, Ruth Lanius, and Peter Levine will give you some of their most effective interventions to help clients heal from trauma: https://www.nicabm.com/join-treating-...

What triggers the freeze response?

We tend to think of traumatic events, but according to Peter Levine, PhD, that’s not always the case. Even a perceived threat can be enough for a client to get stuck in a frozen state.

So how can we help clients who are stuck in the freeze response to move forward?

According to Peter, the energy that is “locked up” in a client’s frozen state is the exact energy we need to target to help them find a release.

This video comes from the NICABM blog. You can check it out here: https://www.nicabm.com/when-a-client-...


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