Working with the Freeze Response with Peter Levine, PhD

Описание к видео Working with the Freeze Response with Peter Levine, PhD

The world's top experts in treating trauma take you through their best strategies for helping clients heal. Learn from Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine, Stephen Porges, Pat Ogden, and more:

In this insightful video, Peter Levine, PhD, delves into the freeze response, a natural instinctive reaction to perceived danger.

He begins by explaining the fight-or-flight response and how our bodies prepare for action when we sense a threat. However, if escape is not possible, the freeze response kicks in, resulting in a state of muscular immobility and stiffness.

Dr. Levine emphasizes that while the freeze response once served as a protective mechanism, it can now limit us in various ways.

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