Mary was an exemplary model for raising Muslim girls

Описание к видео Mary was an exemplary model for raising Muslim girls

The Originator of the Creation 80

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الظالم لنفسه الذي
يحرم هذا الميراث
There are three types of those who inherit the Book. The verse reads: "Some of them wrong themselves,.."
لا يكون له حظ منه لا قليل ولا كثير
أو يكون حظه قليل
Those are deprived of this inheritance.
They will not have any share of it, be it large or small.
"ومنهم مقتصد"
لكن شيء لا يذكر
Then verse reads:
some follow a middle course,…"..."
يأخذ من الميراث علم من علوم القرآن
وعملا وأخلاقا
Those get their share from the sciences of the Quran in terms of actions, morals, doing dhikr,
وذكرا وخشوعا
ودعوة إلى الله عز وجل
being in a state of awe with Allah
and calling to Him moderately.
لكن بشكل معتدل
وأشغاله واجباته الحياتية
Those people don’t leave their jobs, businesses
or daily duties. Then the verse reads:
هاد اسمه مقتصد.
"ومنهم سابق بالخيرات بإذن الله"
"…and some are foremost
in good deeds by Allah’s Will..."
منهم يبيع نفسه كلها لله
ما عاد يفكر بشيء سواه
لا يفكر
Those inheritors sell themselves to God entirely.
They don't think about other than Him.
نحنا لما طلبنا العلم يا ابني دنيا ما في.
فكرنا برضاء الله.
When I sought knowledge, I didn't chase
after worldly life. I thought of pleasing God.
شيخنا حتى توفاه الله قبل وفاته بشهور
قال لي: "تعال احكي لك"
My father Sheikh Ameen wasn't after worldly life.
He even refused to be employed and
قعد قال لي شوف يا ولدي
وتوفى ولم يكن
when he died he didn't have much money.
له شيء من الدنيا أبدا
حتى ولا رضي أن يتوظف.
Few months before he died, he told me that God had never forsaken him, not even for one single day
قال لي: "أنا الله ما ضيعني
من جهة الدنيا ولا يوما واحدا
and He had never neglected him
with regard to worldly life.
وأنت لا تخاف
لأنه ما خلف لنا شيء
قال لي:" اتق الله وسيغنيك الله."
He added: "Don't be afraid. Fear God
and He will make you rich. God says:
عاد يا ابني "إني نذرت للرحمن صوما"
"إني نذرت لك ما في
"'Remember' when the wife of 'Imran' said,
'My Lord! I vowed to You what is in my womb
بطني محررا فتقبل مني"
. وهبت ما في بطنه
to be dedicated for Your service,
so accept it from me….'"
"قالت رب إني وضعتها أنثى
والله أعلم بما وضعت
"When she delivered, she said, “My Lord!
I have given birth to a girl,”—and Allah fully
وليس الذكر كالأنثى
وإني سميتها مريم"
knew what she had delivered—“and the male
is not like the female. I have named her Mary,…"
شو يعني مريم؟
يعني العابدة.
وهي حمل
What does 'Mary' mean?
The worshipper.
في بطن أمها
وهبتها لله
ولما طلعت قيدتها باسم العابدة.
When Mary was in her mother's womb,
her mother dedicated her for God's service.
فإخلاصها في فهم الحمل
وفي الهدف من الولد
هاد الصدق
As a result of her mother's sincerity and understanding the goal of having children, what did He make Mary?
والإخلاص شو جعل من مريم؟
”وكفلها زكريا"
The verse reads:
"…and entrusted her to the charge of Zachariah…"
جعل استاذها نبيا من الأنبياء
وهي لم ترى العادة الشهرية
إلا مرتين من أول
God made one of His Prophets her teacher.
In fact, Mary menstruated only twice
العادة الشهرية
يعني عمرها 12-1٣ سنة
when she was about 13 years old.
كان إذا دخل عليها زكريا
يرى عندها فاكهة
When Prophet Zachariah entered the place of worship, he saw fresh fruit of summer in winter
الصيف في الشتاء
وفاكهة الشتاء في الصيف.
and fruit of winter in summer.
يعني مشمش بكانون ثاني
التين بكانون ثاني وشباط
For example, he would see apricots and figs
in January when trees are leafless. God says:
أي ما في ورق.
"قال يا مريم أنى لك هذا
قالت هو من عند الله"
"He said: 'O Maryam (Mary)! From where have you got this?' She said, 'This is from Allah.'"
رأت الملائكة تخاطبها
”إن الله اصطفاك وطهرك”
She heard the following words of the angels:
“O Mary! Surely Allah has selected you, purified you…"
طهر أوعيها الله كان مغسل أواعي؟
Did God purify her clothes?
Is He a cleaner of clothes,
كوى وغسيل حممجي؟
طهر قلبها وعقلها وميولها
an ironer, a laundry attendant or a washer?
No, he purified her heart, mind and soul
ونفسها زكاها إلى مستوى صارت
على مستوى الملائكة.
so that her status was equal
to that of angels. God says:
"وإذ قالت الملائكة يا مريم إن الله اصطفاك"
يعني هاد خطاب
اصطفاها بالغيبة لما بالخطاب؟
And 'remember˺ when the angels said, "
“O Mary! Surely Allah has selected you,…"
رأت الملائكة وسمعت خطابهم
وهي لا يزال عمرها 12-13 سنة
She could see and hear the angels
when she was only about 13 years old.
فليش الله ذكرها في القرآن
يعني هكذا أيها المسلمون
Why did God mention her in the Quran?
This means O Muslims!
ربوا بناتكم.
هكذا نشؤا بناتكم أمهات المستقبل.
This is how you should raise your daughters,
who will be mothers in the future.


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