Chinese researchers claim breakthrough in detecting, tracking F-22 Stealth fighters

Описание к видео Chinese researchers claim breakthrough in detecting, tracking F-22 Stealth fighters

Researchers working with the Chinese Air Force developed an advanced radar system, which they claim can track F-22 Raptor fighters. The F-22 is a stealth fighter, designed to evade the most advanced radar and air defense systems.

The team used a revolutionary technique of synchronized radar pulses which magnify the Radar Cross Section of the F-22 by 65,000 times.

Though the F-22 program was canceled by the US Air Force after delivery of 186 planes, in 2021 an additional $11 billion was budgeted to upgrade them through 2030, when they will be retired from service.

Resources and links:

Chinese scientists claim breakthrough in detecting F-22 stealth jets

China claims new radar can spot US stealthy F-22s 65,000 times better

Why Was The F-22 Fighter Jet Program Cancelled?
A look at why the USAF scrapped the program after just 186 jets.

USAF commits nearly USD11 billion to future F-22 upgrades


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