A tour of the first U.S. offshore utility scale commercial wind farm

Описание к видео A tour of the first U.S. offshore utility scale commercial wind farm

(7 Dec 2023)

At Sea off Montauk Point, New York - 7 December 2023
1. Drone video of first fully operational wind turbine spins at South Fork Wind farm in the Atlantic Ocean off the coasts of New York, Rhode Island and Connecticut ++MUTE++
2. Tilt down on wind turbine
3. Ørsted, Eversource Energy and others with sign
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Garvey, Ørsted:
“This is the first utility scale offshore wind farm being built in federal waters. And so that means basically that it's it's a big wind farm that's being built in federal waters versus state waters which start three miles from shore. So still really early days for offshore wind here in the United States. A lot of people don't know that until just a few weeks ago, there were only seven offshore wind turbines operating in the United States, five off of Block Island, two off of Virginia. They are there, are there. This now marks the start of the building of what we call utility scale farms, just basically much larger wind farms and really kicking off a pipeline of projects that will deliver extraordinary clean power to starting with the East Coast of the United States. But there's certainly plans for the West Coast as well.”
5. Drone video of wind turbine spining as additional turbine is being assembled in the waters behind it ++MUTE++
6. Zoom in on wind turbine nacelle
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Garvey, Ørsted:
“I mean, the great news is we are we are starting our industry here in the United States with mature technology. Europe's obviously well ahead of us. But we have the we have great and mature technology that allow us to catch up quickly. And we've got really bold goals here in the United States. We're looking to catch up fast.”
8. Turbine under construction
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Garvey, Ørsted:
“So these these turbines for south work wind are 11 megawatt machines. They stand approximately 800ft tall at their tallest point. That's greater than it's more than 2.6 times as tall as the Statue of Liberty for context.”
10. Turbine at Block Island Wind Farm is visible along with American flag on ferry en route to South Fork Wind farm
11. Various of offshore substation that collects electricity from turbines and sends it back to the mainland via a cable on the seabed
12. Monopol base where wind turbine will be placed in the coming months
13. Zoom out and zoom in on South Fork Wind farm turbine
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Garvey, Ørsted:
“So these these turbines bring in a minimum of about six mile per hour winds. They also cut off when the wind is too strong in excess of maybe 55 mph, they'll they'll turn off. But otherwise they're, you know, turning whenever the wind is blowing.”
15. Tilt down on wind turbine
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Garvey, Ørsted:
“It's the start of many more offshore wind farms to come. It's the front of of a pipeline of projects. There'll be thousands more turbines over the years that are built, starting really starting with South Fork."
17. People gather on ferry for photos with wind turbine in background
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Garvey, Ørsted:
19. Drone shot of South Fork Wind farm ++MUTE++
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Garvey, Ørsted:
“So South Fork Wind, once complete, will power approximately 70,000 homes each year and its only 12 turbines. Can you imagine 12 turbines, 70,000 homes powered? It's pretty remarkable. And it will be completed early 2024.”
21. Tilt up on wind turbine
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Garvey, Ørsted:
23. Zoom in on wind turbine


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