RISC-V Debug in the OS-A Platform - Paul Donahue, Ventana Micro Systems

Описание к видео RISC-V Debug in the OS-A Platform - Paul Donahue, Ventana Micro Systems

RISC-V Debug in the OS-A Platform - Paul Donahue, Ventana Micro Systems

Debug infrastructure is a critical element in any system. Debug features within every layer of the software stack provide the needed visibility toward finding issues in any system. Paul Donahue is the vice-chair of the RISC-V Debug Task Group and author of the requirements for debug support that have recently been added to the OS-A platform specification. In this talk he will provide an overview of the debug architecture features that are in OS-A. These features provide a consistent minimum feature set that debuggers (both native and external) can rely on for debugging everything from the first instruction after reset to operating systems and hypervisors to user applications.

For more info about RISC-V, a free and open ISA enabling a new era of processor innovation through open standard collaboration, see: https://riscv.org/


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