Watch ‘Keynote Speaker of the Year’ Dr Jason Fox Craft a New Motivational Presentation {documentary}

Описание к видео Watch ‘Keynote Speaker of the Year’ Dr Jason Fox Craft a New Motivational Presentation {documentary}

In the infinite quest to bring more humble/rational/magical realism into the realms of motivation, leadership, I offer you this deeply personal behind-the-scenes glimpse into the thought process that goes into crafting a new keynote presentation (along with insight as to how Kim and I work).

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Every few years it comes time to update my ‘showreel’, so that those searching for ‘top motivational leadership conference speakers’ might find me. Speaker showreels often follow a default formula: flashes of pithy tweetable soundbites delivered with conviction amidst a backdrop of upbeat stock rock/pop music, plus charismatic action shots (high fives, standing ovations, fist pumping ‘kaboom’ gestures) and scenes of the audience in various emotional states (elated laughter, big slow motion nods, single-tear wiping, chest-clutching ‘omg so #true’ and ‘eureka I’m going to write this down’ moments)—all interspersed with client logos and vague testimonials (‘awesome’, ‘outstanding’, ‘engaging’).

I suppose such approaches work well for corporate leadership committees with boxes to tick. I tried it once, a long time ago, but didn’t like what it portrayed: the character on screen was way too polished and sleek. It didn’t seem real or relatable—hence this alternative approach. Enjoy.

This documentary was directed, filmed and edited by my multi-talented mate Josh Janssen of BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Josh’s abundant curiosity and cleverly incisive questions made this thing.


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