家常咸鱼炒鸡🐔咸香入味,超级下饭,配上米饭两碗都不够🍚‼️Homemade stir fry chicken with salted fish 🐔 salt and tasty, delicious

Описание к видео 家常咸鱼炒鸡🐔咸香入味,超级下饭,配上米饭两碗都不够🍚‼️Homemade stir fry chicken with salted fish 🐔 salt and tasty, delicious




Homemade stir fry chicken with salted fish 🐔 salt and tasty, delicious eat with rice, two bowls of rice are not enough 🍚‼ ️

Ingredients: 3 chicken thigh, 20 grams of salted fish, ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 white onion, 1 handful of green onion, 1 handful of dried chili
Marinated chicken: 1 spoon of sesame oil, 1/2 spoon of pepper, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of tapioca flour
Sauce: 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, a little water

1) Get all the ingredients ready
2) Heat oil in a hot pan, deep fry the salted fish until golden brown and crispy, remove
3) Add dried chili ginger slices and garlic and saute until fragrant, add chicken and fry until meat changes color, add onion & prepared sauce and stir fry evenly
4) Pour in the fried salted fish and stir fry, cover and simmer for 2 minutes
5) Add the green onion and quickly stir fry evenly to serve
6) Fragrant stir fried chicken with salted is ready ❤️


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