Say, Tell, Speak, Talk! What is the Difference between these Confusing Words? Improve your English!

Описание к видео Say, Tell, Speak, Talk! What is the Difference between these Confusing Words? Improve your English!

Say! Tell! Speak! Talk! Do you know the differences between the commonly used words Say, Tell, Speak, and Talk? She said we should study. She told us to study. She spoke about studying. She talked about studying. This English lesson is going to look at the differences between say, tell, speak, and talk so that you know when and how to use them correctly in English. Today’s lesson will help you increase your English vocabulary as well as improve your English grammar connected to the words say, tell, speak, and talk.

What is the difference between say, tell, speak, and talk?

Say means to express something verbally. Say is basically used to report what someone has said. You say, “Baby, I love you.” He said that he’d be back. My mom said I should study. Jen said, “Good luck with your English studies.”

Tell is used when you are discussing information that someone has conveyed to someone, or an order that they have given to someone.When you use tell in English, you must add the person who was being told directly after the verb tell. Tell me why. He told them a secret. He told us he’d be back.

Speak and Talk are basically used exactly the same way in English, however there is a slight difference. The difference between speak and talk is that speak is more formal, and talk is more casual. He spoke about English grammar at the conference. She talked with her friends in a cafe.

Both speak and talk need a preposition after them to complete a sentence correctly. The three most common prepositions after speak and talk are: to, with, about. She spoke with her English teacher. He talked to his wife. They talked about how to increase vocabulary.

For languages you need to use Speak. Speak + language. I speak English. He speaks Japanese. You can also use Talk + in when referring to which language is being used in a specific situation. We both speak English and Japanese, but when we’re having a fight, we talk in English.

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned the differences between the words Say, Tell, Speak, and Talk. Knowing what the differences are between these four commonly confused words will help you to sound like a native English speaker. This lesson will to help you improve your English vocabulary and teach you useful grammar points for using say, tell, speak, and talk. Thank you for watching, “Say, Tell, Speak, Talk! What is the Difference between these Confusing Words? Improve your English!” I hope these four words will be useful for you as you improve your English and successfully choose the correct word each time. Good luck with your English studies!

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