Come Tour Our Test Bakery & Mill! | Mighty Test Bakery & Mill | Chef Tony • One Mighty Mill

Описание к видео Come Tour Our Test Bakery & Mill! | Mighty Test Bakery & Mill | Chef Tony • One Mighty Mill

When you’re on a mission to bring back fresher, healthier stone-milled flour, you need a place to test everything out and make sure things are always getting better: a space to test new lots of organic wheat, new varietals and farms, and even new products. For us, that’s our Test Bakery & Mill in Lynn, MA, the birthplace of One Mighty Mill in 2018.

Join us on a tour of our small but Mighty Test Bakery and get to know the folks that make it go. As soon as you step inside, you'll be greeted by Siria and Lety, both of whom have been with OMM since the start and can explain everything from our stone-milling process to what goes into our world-famous Miller Leo bagel sandwich. Julio oversees the Test Bakery and also responds to any and all notes that folks email to OMM. And our head baker Marina, quiet and focused, has worked on most every recipe that OMM has created from our first set of bagels to our new hand-made ravioli.

Want to check out our Test Bakery & Café? Visit our website:

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Mighty Best Selling Products:
Everything Bagel:
100% Powergrains Bread:
Stone-Milled All-Purpose Flour:

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