RIDE - Susan Arnold, DVM + Stuart Lichtenberg, PhD

Описание к видео RIDE - Susan Arnold, DVM + Stuart Lichtenberg, PhD

June 12, 12–1 p.m.

Susan Arnold, DVM, "Breed-associated differentially-expressed genes in canine high-grade glioma: Will these findings have translational impact for human glioblastoma multiforme?"

Canine high grade glioma is an aggressive primary brain tumor that develops spontaneously in dogs. It shares many key features with human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the deadliest and most common glioma in people. A key feature of GBM malignancy is inter-patient tumor heterogeneity. Dog breeds have narrow genetic pools, which contributes to breed-associated heritability of various conditions. This presentation summarizes the key differences in expression patterns between glioma-bearing French bulldogs and other breeds, which may provide important information to optimize the canine model of GBM as a means to benefit both canine and human glioma patients.

Stuart Lichtenberg, PhD, "Search and destroy: Prion identification and remediation"

The unabated spread of chronic wasting disease results in substantial prion deposition in the broader environment, leading to substantial risk to susceptible animals, as well as raising the specter of cross-species transmission via indirect routes. New research from Dr. Lichtenberg is underway to glean structural information about prions from ultra-sensitive amplification assays. In addition, Dr. Lichtenberg's research group is investigating new methods for prion decontamination and carcass disposal.


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