Pet Rat Cage Setup / Free Roam Setup Part 2

Описание к видео Pet Rat Cage Setup / Free Roam Setup Part 2

Part 2
This is a detailed rat cage tour. I show how I setup my pet rat cages and how I configure them into different zones for free roaming.

Preferred bedding:
in the bottom of all cages and litter bins
Paper pellets or other healthy paper products. Dust Free!!. Hemp bedding.
I will add a little timothy hay mix to the top as foraging material for the rats.
I also incrementally clean the tub like you would a cat litter bin. Just like cat litter, eventually you have to dump the whole thing and start fresh. Since I have multiple cages, I first migrate the rats to other cages they are used to. This way they are not as freaked out about a deep cleaning. I also set the cage up differently so it will be a new experience for my rats. But, still the elements I know they like, I just put them in different places. They also enjoy exploring a new space.

I put down straw mats to keep their feet off of the wire racks and plastic bottoms. The straw mats also allow me to incrementally clean without freaking out the rats. They seem to prefer the straw hides on a straw mat, they often like to re-decorate. Straw mats on a wire shelf allow the poo and other debris to fall through to the tub


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