Time Travel: Theories, Paradoxes, and Possibilities"

Описание к видео Time Travel: Theories, Paradoxes, and Possibilities"

sorry the speed of light is 300,000 km /s

Time travel has always been a fascinating subject in the history of humanity. Imagine a day when you could travel to the past or the future, gaining a deeper understanding of our universe and our own existence. You could make changes in your past to build a better life in the present. If we could travel into the future, we could see what happens there and explore the emerging technologies. Although it may be science fiction for now, I hope for a better tomorrow.

in this vedio we discussed :- how can we time travel ? ,why we time travel ? ,how to travel into future ? , what is special theory of relativity time travel?, what is genaral theory of relativity time travel ? , what is grandfather paradox?, what is predestination paradox ? , what is polchinski paradox ?, what is consistency paradox ? , what is many world interpretation in qundom mechanics ? , how can we travel into past ?

00:00 :- intro

01:00 :- space time

02:11 :- special theory of relativity time travel

11:40 :- general theory of relativity time travel

15:00 :- cryosleep

15:40 :- travel to past

16:25 :- paradox on travel into past

18:10 :- solution to travel to past

20:00 :- conclusion

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