陈淑桦 Sarah Chen | Cello 大提琴 1988 (歌曲介绍+中英文歌词)with lyrics

Описание к видео 陈淑桦 Sarah Chen | Cello 大提琴 1988 (歌曲介绍+中英文歌词)with lyrics

(歌词在字幕里)This is Sarah Chen's 1988 song 'Cello' from her final English album, 'Hold Me Now.' The song was originally performed by Paul Parrish in 1987. The narrative provides background and context for the song. Chen's exquisite vocals, combined with compelling emotions, make this song one of her best English songs.

Chen was in peak form when she released this album, her third of 1988. This was a year before her fame exploded with "Dream to Awakening," sending her to the sky before she plunged into the abyss. During this period, every song she touched turned to gold.

Chen, a hard worker for over a decade, was grateful for the opportunities she had when she moved to Rock Records after structural problems with EMI Studios. Recording three albums in a year was a lot: the two Mandarin albums were all original material, and performing in English was no small feat for a non-native speaker. The workplace relationship seemed complicated. The breakneck pace of her work may have left Chen with no time for anything else or to reflect. In hindsight, this was likely the most vulnerable period of her life and career, a time when additional professional support would have made a big difference.

这是陈淑桦1988年的《Cello》,翻唱自Paul Parrish 1987年的同名歌曲,收录在她最后一张英语专辑《Hold Me Now》中。视频提供了歌曲背景和歌手信息。



Parrish' s original:   • Cello - Parrish & Toppano  

Chinese translation of what's on the video, with time stamps (视频中文翻译随时间插)
0:00 Cello (大提琴)
0:17 这是陈淑桦在1988年专辑《Hold Me Now》中翻唱的《Cello》,这是她最后一张英语专辑。
0:31 这张专辑中有一半的曲目原本是由男歌手演唱的,这可能是有意为之。
0:47 《Cello》原本是美国艺术家Paul Parrish在1987年与Lorenzo Toppono合作的专辑《The Royal Falcon》中的一首歌曲。
1:01 陈淑桦以更高的音调演唱,但保持了原曲的节奏和歌词,没有将“man”改为“woman”。
1:15 在30岁时,陈淑桦处于她的巅峰。她的演绎情感及为动人。
1:30 这是在《梦醒时分》前一年。那是她点石成金的年代。
1:46 然而,次年她的名声爆长,然后就病了,再没时间、精力或动机灌制翻唱。这张专辑后她只唱了一首英文歌。
2:02 我们很幸运能够拥有淑桦的台湾歌、一张贺年专辑,以及这些英语歌。
2:20 这张专辑中其他好歌包括 《Wings of Love》, 《Ebony Eyes》, 和好几首对唱,展现了陈淑桦的声音和男歌手声音优美的对照。陈淑桦在1990年代录制了好几首华语经典对唱。

Channel: All rights belong to the original copyright holders. This channel does not monetarize its content. This video is created to preserve Sarah Chen's at-risk work.


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