Parrot Confiscations & Their Welfare Implications

Описание к видео Parrot Confiscations & Their Welfare Implications

A Lafeber Pet Birds Webinar hosted by Laura Doering, former editor of Bird Talk magazine and Birds USA magazine. Our special guest, Anthony Pilny, DVM, DABVP (Avian), discusses the illegal capturing of live wild birds for the pet trade, an escalating crisis of biodiversity loss and horrendous cruelty. This illegal trade deeply affects avian welfare and conservation and can cause serious repercussions in captive and pet bird populations. The fate of the confiscated birds after they are released as evidence, is rarely a topic of welfare discussion and is not well-known within the avian veterinary community or the general public. Dr. Pilny talks about how avian veterinarians and the public can play a positive role in changing the outcomes for these birds.


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