絕地戰兵2為何變得不好玩了?【硬核遊戲論#7 / 絕地戰兵2】

Описание к видео 絕地戰兵2為何變得不好玩了?【硬核遊戲論#7 / 絕地戰兵2】

#helldivers2 #絕地戰兵2

- 絕地戰兵2是2024年遊戲界難以繞開的話題,它從一眾大作中殺出重圍,成為終極黑馬,又因運營事故被差評轟炸。索尼的逆天操作只是引爆玩家差評的導火索,真正讓絕地戰兵2不再好玩的原因,還在於遊戲中本身積累的一系列矛盾。
- 盡管包括馬克思主義在內的許多哲學系統試圖解釋我們對世界的認識方式,但唯物主義者們通常也承認,我們對世界的認識存在相當多離散的部分。絕地潛兵2讓我們能夠有機會通過離散的方式去探索“未知”。讓玩家得到了“爽快”的遊戲感。
- 心理學中的自我決定理論認為人有三大基本心理需求,絕地潛兵2既建立這三個需求,又摧毀了這三個需求,讓玩家認為這個遊戲“不再好玩”。流失了90%的玩家後,絕地戰兵2最好玩的那段時間將成為玩家的回憶,成為現代遊戲史波瀾壯闊的長河中一個小小的注腳。


1.Heinlein, Robert A. (1987). Starship Troopers. New York City, New York: Ace Books
2.Rct AI.(2021) Expectation, Behavior and Reward: Acquire Certain Pleasure of Playing in the Game of Uncertainty and the Unknown.
3.Deterding, Sebastian, et al. "Mastering uncertainty: A predictive processing account of enjoying uncertain success in video game play." Frontiers in psychology 13 (2022): 924953.
4.Ryan, R. M., Rigby, C. S., & Przybylski, A. (2006). The motivational pull of video games: A self-determination theory approach. Motivation and emotion, 30, 344-360.
5.Alek.(2024). Unpacking the Magic in the Design of Helldivers 2. restera.
6.JAMES MARGARIS.(2024). The Great Thing About Helldivers 2's Design is That It Exists. https://jmargaris.substack.com/
7.Joel Franey.(2024). Helldivers 2 isn't just good co-op, it's a masterclass in designing comedy games. Gamesradar.

1.Wilbert Roget, II - Main Menu Theme
2.Wilbert Roget, II - Dropzone/Loadout Select Theme
3.Wilbert Roget, II - Main Theme - "A Cup Of Liber-Tea"
4.Wilbert Roget, II - National Anthem
5.Wilbert Roget, II - Mission Selection Theme
6.Basil Poledouris - Fed Net March
7.牛尾憲輔 - Game Analyst
8.牛尾憲輔 - Sabbath I


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