Audio courses are the perfect first product for online language teachers | Create yours in 5 days

Описание к видео Audio courses are the perfect first product for online language teachers | Create yours in 5 days

Audio courses are more than just a new trend. It's an incredibly flexible way of learning that fits your students' lifestyles and provides a lot of opportunities to interact with you (the teacher) and revisit the materials.

What sold me on audio courses is how low-tech and low-maintenance they are! No need to set up a fancy light-glowing studio or put makeup as you do with visual content, no need for Powerpoints (teachers usually create multiple slides for just 1 lesson!).

No need to pay for an expensive online course platform because you can offer such a course for free on a Telegram or Whatsapp!

I know, not all courses lend themselves to an audio format but for language learners, audio is key to improving listening comprehension and pronunciation, which are foundational for successful oral communication!

In this live I will talk about the "why" behind audio courses and how they're a lot more effective for language learners than traditional, video-based courses, and how you can create one in a matter of days.

I'm also inviting you to my upcoming challenge called "Create an Audio Course in 5 Days." More information here:

In 5 days you will:

**Learn about 3 types of audio courses and choose which one works best.
**Discover the difference between boring College courses and online courses that sell.
**Find out what makes your content manageable so it sells.
**Learn how to go from "descriptive" to actionable when it comes to your online lessons.
**Learn the simple tech tools that I use to create a course without hiring a bunch of developers.

All this, as well as the 5-day access to a chat where you can ask me questions about your course or read other people's ideas to get your creative juices flowing. This course is like no other, and for $5 a day? That's a steal.

Learn more and get your spot here:


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