Monster Hunter: Rise - Sunbreak: Hunting the "Violet Mizutsune"

Описание к видео Monster Hunter: Rise - Sunbreak: Hunting the "Violet Mizutsune"

"Violet Mizutsune" is a male Leviathan and Rare Species of Mizutsune first introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. All are male, as just like their counterpart, the females aren't seen. It has whitish-lilac scales with light indigo streaks down its body, as well as indigo fins and black fur. During its empowered state, its fur glows faint blue. Like many Rare Species, this variant is slightly larger than a regular Mizutsune.

Like its counterpart, it likes to sleep when not fighting and reacts with violence should an intruder appear. It can easily defeat monsters like Tigrex with ease. However, it must contend with dangerous monsters such as Apex Monsters, equally powerful Rare Species, and Elder Dragons for territory.

On top of the graceful agility of Mizutsune, its body produces an oil-like secretion instead of Bubblefoam, which it can ignite using friction from its body to bathe its surroundings in a beautiful but deadly inferno. It can use this to launch flaming bubbles that home in on hunters after a delay, streams of fluid that ignite on impact, and fiery puddles that explode once ignited. By increasing the secretion rate of this fluid, it can wreath itself in white-hot flames, giving its physical attacks fiery impact and improving all its existing ones. Dealing enough damage to these flaming parts will knock it out of this state.

[Description from "Monster Hunter Fandom" wiki]

─────── Chapter Markers ───────
00:00 - Intro
00:56 - vs. "Violet Mizutsune"
10:50 - End


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