Holy Trinity Church Gosport Handel Organ

Описание к видео Holy Trinity Church Gosport Handel Organ

A fine example of early English organ building, built in 1720 by Abraham Jordan, it was often played by Handel, who also influenced its design. The present organ was built by William Hill in 1897, but retains some Jordan pipework, this was designed around eight ranks of pipes from the original instrument.

the organ was proudly restored by Andrew Cooper in 2012 and not only looks good, but sounds good and access to the pipes is much safer now.
I have enclosed the stop list for other fellow organ players and organists and i would say its worth a visit.

1897 HILL ORGAN embracing 1720 JORDAN ORGAN
GREAT - speaking westward into the nave Sw. to Gt. [Ch. to Gt. (HNB 1972)]
1 Double diapason.......... 16 Hill 1897
2 Open diapason............... 8 Hill 1897 displayed in south facing 1897 case
3 Open diapason............... 8 Jordan 1720 displayed in west facing 1720 case
4 Stopped diapason .......... 8 Jordan 1720
5 Clarionet flute TC ......... 8 may be part Jordan and part pre-1897
6 Principal ........................ 4 Jordan 1720
7 Wald flute TC................ 4 †
8 Twelfth .......................... 3 Jordan 1720
9 Fifteenth ........................ 2 Jordan 1720
10 Mixture (3 ranks) ............ †
11 Trumpet......................... 8 †
CHOIR – unenclosed, speaking southward into the chancel Sw. to Ch.
12 Dulciana ........................ 8 † (bottom octave from 13)
13 Gamba ........................... 8 †
14 Stopped diapason ......... 8 Jordan 1720
15 Principal ........................ 4 †
16 Flute............................... 4 Jordan 1720
17 Fifteenth ........................ 2 Jordan 1720
18 Cremona ........................ 8 Hill 1897
19 Trumpet......................... 8 † Borrowed from Great (Cooper 2012)
SWELL – high up speaking westward from the back of the organ
20 Double diapason.......... 16 † (stopped bottom 2 octaves, then open small scale)
21 Open diapason............... 8 †
22 Lieblich Gedackt ........... 8 †
23 Salicional....................... 8 Hill 1897
24 Voix Celeste TC............ 8 Hill 1897
25 Principal ........................ 4 †
26 Piccolo........................... 2 †
27 Mixture (3 ranks) ............ †
28 Oboe .............................. 8 †
29 Cornopean ..................... 8 †
30 Clarion........................... 4 † [Swell Super, Swell Sub, Tremulant (HNB 1972)]
PEDAL Gt. to Ped. Sw. to Ped. Ch. to Ped
31 Open diapason wood... 16 †
32 Sub Bass...................... 16 The original Hill 1897 Bourdon
33 Bourdon....................... 16 Cooper 2012 (quieter stopped bass)
34 Flute (from 32).............. 8
35 Trumpet......................... 8 † Borrowed from Great (Cooper 2012)
36 Trombone (from 35).... 16 Additional twelve bass pipes Cooper 2012
Pistons to each manual and pedals; and adjustable Generals. Electro-pneumatic action.
(Cooper 2012)
† Hill, reused from existing organ: may be Pether, Hunter, Butler, or Gray & Davison.


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