Steam Giants Vol 1

Описание к видео Steam Giants Vol 1

Vrom around the middle of the 19th century to more or less the beginning of the of manufacturers, dotted around the U/K. Eventually steam as a power source was displaced by the interal combustion engine, but although it is now some six decades since production ceased, many examples of steam traction engine have survived.
The STEAM GIANTS were the most prolific and best known builders of these magnificent machines and six of them are represented here in volume one:-
Foden Lid of Sandbach The name Foden can still be seen today on modern lorries but this company
became famous for building steam wagons. No less than eleven of these fine 'overtype wagons are soon plus one example that is now presented as a replica of the Foden Works Band Bus. The Foden Wagon is also witnessed in its tractor form. The 1913 compound road locomotive Monarch also makes an appearance.
Wm. Foster & Co. Ltd of Lincoln Based in a rural area of the country, William Foster had a
reputation for turning out fine agricultral traction engines. Five examples of these are captured ranging from 6nhp to 8nhp size. Three Foster compound steam tractors are also seen and works
No 14736, a portable, is found driving a stone crusher.
Clayton & Shuttleworth Ltd of Lincoln Several steam manufacturers were based in rural
Lincolnshire, being close to their target customers, including farmers and threshing contractors. General purpose engines of Snhp to 7nhp size with both single and compound arrangement are represented.
Robey & Co Ltd of Lincoln Lincoln was certainly a hot-bed for the builders of steam engines and
Robeys are the third of four companies represented from this city. Tractors, portables and traction engines all built by Robey & Co are seen, plus an example of their distinctive tandem roller and a tri-tandem roller.
Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd/Ruston & Hornsby Ltd of Lincoln This Lincoln based manufacturer built a variety of products ranging from oil engines to earth moving navies as well as steam engines. Seven examples of the marque are seen.
Aveling & Porter Ltd of Rochester The name of Aveling & Porter became closely associated with the development of steam road rollers and the
Company subsequently became the most prolific builder of rollers in the UK. With all Aveling engines proudly displaying the Rampant Horse
insignia of Kent, the Company became well known around the world.
No less than twelve rollers are seen alongside tractors, road locomotives and a traction engine.

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