potted history of the abbey cinema, a

Описание к видео potted history of the abbey cinema, a

Two months ago, this January gone, I shot a short film on the history of what has been as much a Wavertree landmark as Sarah Pooley…the Abbey Cinema. The reason for this latest video, shot at 08:41 this morning (I think I must have deleted the first one) is because it’s due to be flattened…Lidl say that it would cost too much to underpin the building so they only option open to them is to demolish it…bastards! Here’s the link to the ‘Wavertree’ album in my Flickr photostream https://flickr.com/photos/8499901@N04... However, the one fact I’ve left out is about Stereoscope coming to the Abbey in 1960…the first film featuring Stereoscopic sound was South Pacific on 11 September that year. Wavertree’s supposed to be Conservation Area for fuck’s sake and here’s a German discounter chain wanting to demolish a local landmark…it’s nothing short of CRIMINAL. It’s vandalism on a massive scale!


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