This is Halloween, in LATIN! Nightmare Before Christmas (lyrics: Stefano Vittori) Songs in Latin

Описание к видео This is Halloween, in LATIN! Nightmare Before Christmas (lyrics: Stefano Vittori) Songs in Latin

The Nightmare Before Christmas in Latin! Incubus Ante Nātālem.
lyrical translation by Stefano RVMAK Vittori 🐌
   / @rvmak  
performed by Chris PERNOX Davis 🌚
   / pernox  
Aurora Van Bel 🌅
Luke SCORPIO Ranieri 🦂
   / scorpiomartianus  

This unique and fascinating performance of the beloved song from Danny Elfman and Tim Burton's 1993 "The Nightmare Before Christmas" incorporates both Ecclesiastical and Classical Pronunciations.

The initial narrator (the voice of Santa Claus) uses Classical Pronunciation, as do all people from Christmas Town, while the people of Halloween Town use the Ecclesiastical Pronunciation.

The text has been rendered masterfully by Stefano Vittori in true Ancient Roman poetic meter, the very soul of Latin, so well as to surpass the power of even the original lyrics.

🎃 See our songs from The Nightmare Before Christmas in Latin! at this playist of my videos:    • Nightmare Before Christmas in Latin ·...  

Thank you so much for sharing this video with as many people and in as many places as you can! 👻 ☃️

Download the audio file here:   / 42883274  

To fully appreciate the incredible music of the original movie, see this video by @Sideways    • A Musical Conspiracy Theory: The Fina...   🧛‍♂️

Greeting from the translator, Stefano Vittori:

Puellae et puerī undecumque mundī,
vestrīs fert animus parāre ocellīs
valdē mīrum aliquid: placetne vōbīs?
Sī placet, strepitū, canōre, plausū
conque carmina nostra partiendō
adspīrāte meīs, amābo, coeptīs.
Nōn sunt māxima, quae adgredī parāmus,
altārum monumenta litterārum.
Aenēās opere hōc abest, deum gēns:
rēx, quem nunc canimus, neque ortus illō est,
nec rēxit populōs; volēbat ūnō
parvō, nec potuit miser, potīrī.
Mūtātīsque carēs, libelle, formīs,
quās mūtāre deumst: mihī placēbō,
sī, quod sōlum hominī datum, decenter
verbīs vertere verba nōn negētur.
Nōn Hērōidas hīc Epistulāsque,
hīc nōn inveniētis Artem amandī;
artis, quaesumus, invenīte amōrem:
quem sī invēneritis, neque haec latēbunt.
Nīl majus, puerī et puellae, habēmus:
in locō damus ista crustulōrum.

Lyrics translated by Stefano Vittori:


Fīda arcānīs oritur nox:
oculī vigilent; taceat vōx.

Circumsistite quadrivium:
cāne senex, patefac mundum.

Mundus pateat! Mundus pateat!
Rumpe silentia, Plūtō holerum!

Mundus pateat: cito metus adimat,
nī cui crustula bona dare libitum.

Omnis plēbs jam timeat!
Mundus noster jam pateat!

Ille ego, quī īnsidior lectō
dente micāns rutilānsque oculō.

Ille ego, quī īnsidior scālīs:
anguis in ungue, lycōsa comīs.

Mundus pateat! Mundus pateat!
Pateat! Pateat! Pateat! Pateat!

Hymnum nunc vōs plantīs
canite Cucurbitoīdēīs!

Hymnum nunc nē dēserite hunc:
nova sine numerō ineunt scaenam.

Cave ab hāc situlā: latet homicīda;
jamque adgreditur, ut exclāmēs: "Heu

mē!". Bene pateat, lūbricet, oleat.
Formīdāsne? Solet fierī.

Jace bis, jace ter: can’ abigere quater.
Nocte triceps Hecatē tē fert.

Popule, timē! Popule, timē!
Est jam tempus: munde, patē!

Dum mihimet faciem rapiō,
hīc ego tunc: ubi nunc? Fugiō.

Dīc "Quis adest?"; et "Adest" ego sum.
Aura capillum ego turbo tuum.

Larva ego nigra colo Lūnae orbem:
bene dormī: prope tē vigilem.

Mundus pateat! Mundus pateat!
Pateat! Pateat! Pateat! Pateat!

Dulcis tū īnfāns ubicumque es,
vītae taedet, nī trepidēs.

Ars nostra est - mala nec facimus:
nam nostrā arte patet mundus.

Hymnum nunc nē dēserite hunc:
nova sine numerō ineunt scaenam.

Titus est Taphius lemur homirapius:
strix ut strīdit et hominī animam ēvel-

-lit! Bene pateat! Popule, timē!
Aperī nostrō bona itinera ducī.

Tite, tūte, Taphī, Colocynthidorīx,
euge, triumpe, Cucurbituāns!

Mundus pateat! Mundus pateat!
Pateat! Pateat! Pateat! Pateat!

Hymnum nunc vōs plantīs
canite Cucurbitoīdēīs!

Pateat! Pateat! Pateat! Pateat!
Pateat! Pateat! Pateat! Pateat!

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