烏蛟騰客家村老戰士口述被遺忘的抗日歷史 Old Warrior tells the Forgotten Anti-Japanese history of Wu Kau Tang

Описание к видео 烏蛟騰客家村老戰士口述被遺忘的抗日歷史 Old Warrior tells the Forgotten Anti-Japanese history of Wu Kau Tang

#客家 #客家人#客家風俗習慣 #香港客家村 #客家大學堂 #烏蛟騰 #東江縱隊 #抗日 #hakkastudies #tripsinhongkong #hakka #hakkatraditons #hongkonghakkavillages #wukautang #eastrivercolumn #香港原居民 #hongkongindigenousinhabitants

During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, many villagers of NT participated in the guerrilla activities of the East River Column against the invasion of the Japanese. Because of its special geographical position, Wu Kau Tang played an important role in the Anti-Japanese resistance. We are lucky to find a villager, Mr. Li Hon, who joined the children group of guerrilla at that time. Although he is 95 years old, his mind and speech are still clear, and able to tell us the details of the nearly-forgotten history. Apart from the anti-Japanese stories, he also gives us a brief introduction of the past and present of Wu Kau Tang .
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