Head Injury Treatments

Описание к видео Head Injury Treatments

He is a known case of head injury 16 months ago, due to fall from a train. He was given primary treatment, but was in coma for 6 months. Gradually, he recovered neurologically and cognitively partially. He responds to selective commands and has started recognizing family members since past 6 months.
Neurologically, he is hypertonic with grade 2 spasticity in all 4 limbs. He is hyperreflexic. On examination: he is not oriented in time, place and person. He has severe motor weakness in all 4 limbs. He has non-coherent speech. He has aggressive behavior and is unable to follow commands. He has no bladder and bowel control.

After Stem Cell Therapy

1)He walks with total assistance of 1 person for approximately 100 feet with 1-2 rest breaks in between.
2)His communication through gestures has improved.
3)His object identification has increased.
4)His understanding has improved.
5)His memory has improved.
6)His command following is better.
7)He says the word "Amma" 2- 3 times in a day to communicate with mother.
8)He eats finger foods independently.However his mother has not tried feeding independently because of difficulty in supine to sit transfers.
9)He requires maximum assistance of 2 people for transfers,however it is easier than pre --SCT.
10)While brushing teeth he requires minimum assistance now ,wipes face with napkin.Combs independently.
11)He lifts both extremities to put on shirt .
12)He doesnot indicate bladder bowel movement,indwelling catheter is present.
13)His FIM score has improved from 20 to 28.

1) Understanding has further improved.
2) Now when made to sit, can sit without support for ½ an hour without supervision.
3) He takes steps with assistance of 2 persons as he gets excited while walking. Earlier he required only 1 person's assistance.
4) Drooling has reduced to more than half.
5) Now also says 'amma' clearly and also 'abba'.
6) Right side spasticity has reduced.
7) Clonus has reduced.
8) Voluntary control in right hand has improved in shoulder and elbow. He can raise right hand which he couldn't do before.
9) Right left discrimination is now possible.
10) Now it is easier to make him sit.
11) Chewing is better.
12) Now he started (finger foods) eating by himself with left hand.
13) Rolling is better.

• Now he is less aggressive as compared to before.
• He is now able to comprehend when things are being spoken about him.
• Now he is able to show on his fingers the number which is told to him.
• Now he also follows commands promptly.
• Now his right and left discrimination has improved.
• Now his reaction time has reduced as compared to before.
• Now he recognizes people apart from his family members (i.e.) when their name is taken he points to them.
• Previously during the sessions he used to kick but now his level of understanding has improved and he doesn't kick now.
• His eye contact has improved as compared to before as it was aimless before.
• His drooling has reduced to a great extent.
• Now his emotional responses are appropriate as compared to before as now when he watches TV, he laughs on funny jokes.
• He is able to play songs on his own on the mobile and he has now learnt to operate it.

Stem Cell Therapy done at

NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute
Surana Sethia Hospital
Sion-Trombay Rd, Suman Ngr
Opp Corporate Park, Chembur, Mumbai -- 71.
Tel : 022 - 25283706, 022 - 25281610,
Mob : +91 9920 200 400


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