Uru: Ages Beyond Myst - Ambient and Music - Kadish Tolesa

Описание к видео Uru: Ages Beyond Myst - Ambient and Music - Kadish Tolesa

#Myst #UrU #Uru: Ages Beyond Myst #Game

The plot of Uru reveals a long history of events taking place in other games of the Myst series .
In the 1980s, while exploring a volcano in the New Mexico desert, scientists discovered an underground city built by the disappeared civilization D'ni . The origin of this civilization is unknown; it is also unclear why she led such a strange way of life. Perhaps the underworld was built to avoid conflicts with terrestrial civilization, and it is possible that the ancestors of D'ni came from another world. It happened about 10,000 years ago. Excavations are carried out by a specially created archaeological organization D'ni Restoration Council , designed to explore the history of D'ni. The protagonist of the game comes to the desert as an archaeologistinvited to participate in DRC research as an independent expert, and descends underground.

There he discovers a magnificent abandoned city, with palaces, temples, theaters and libraries. The city was built in a giant cave many kilometers long, formed naturally and expanded artificially. The player explores this city and its suburbs, revealing them in parts, and gradually the history of D'ni civilization looms before him, with its proud kings, ancient customs, strange arts and amazing technologies. D'ni’s technology was on the brink of magic, and perhaps stepped over that brink. For example, they invented video holograms., giant mining machines and energy sources capable of working for centuries. But the main invention or gift of D'ni is the Art of writing Portal Books, with which a person can instantly move to other places described in these Books. In the process of research, the archaeologist discovers that some of the Books of D'ni lead him not to the next area of ​​the underworld, but to strange places whose location in space and time is unclear.

The civilization of D'ni flourished for thousands of years, but once, about 200 years ago, a catastrophe occurred that destroyed it. This happened after the contact of D'ni with one person from the surface of the Earth. The player has to solve the mystery of this disaster.

All music and sound is the material of Cyan, Inc., makers of URU.
Game file music:
clftBookRoomMusic Loop
kdshPillarSolution Loop
islmGalleryMusic Loop


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