Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Full Soundtrack

Описание к видео Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Full Soundtrack

Welcome to my supercut of the Uru soundtrack. This consists solely of songs and ambient tracks from the game in one ordered experience. The tracks are listed by:
Location - Formatted File Name (Name on the OST).
I ripped these tracks from the game files and added sound leveling and transitions. The two tracks Eder Gira and Eder Kemo are soundscapes I threw together using sound effects from the files, since no single track existed for those ages. Enjoy!
00:00:00 Link
00:00:04 Cleft - Open (Air Stream)
00:04:07 Cleft - Yeesha Intro
00:06:39 Journey Cloth Glow
00:06:50 Cleft - Book Room (The Bahro)
00:08:40 Relto - Ambience
00:09:33 Teledahn - Spore Me
00:12:05 Teledahn - Slave Office
00:13:52 D'ni - Spy Room (Baron's Theme)
00:16:01 Teledahn - Slave Cave Ambience
00:16:59 D'ni - Baron's Office
00:18:50 Relto - Ambience Night
00:19:35 Gahreesen - Interior (The Well)
00:22:41 Gahreesen - Exterior (Convergence)
00:25:37 Gahreesen - Random 1, 2, & 3
00:26:54 Gahreesen - Bridge
00:29:30 Gahreesen - Training Wall
00:30:21 D'ni - Gallery Theme
00:32:55 Kadish Tolesa - Moon Room
00:37:17 Kadish Tolesa - Pillar Solution (The Vault)
00:43:10 Eder Gira*
00:46:29 Eder Kemo*
00:50:00 Rainy Cleft - Yeesha Final 1 (Yeesha's Theme)
00:53:50 Rainy Cleft - Yessha Final 2
00:55:10 D'ni - Cavern (Fall of D'ni)
00:57:48 D'ni - Abstract Ambience
00:58:52 D'ni - Kirel Private Room
01:02:28 D'ni - Palace
01:04:43 D'ni - Library
01:06:41 D'ni - Library Interior
01:08:20 D'ni - Great Shaft Ambience
01:09:05 D'ni - Great Shaft Rest Area
01:12:38 Relto - Music Player
01:13:43 Shell Cloth
01:13:51 Er'cana - Segue 1, 2, & 3
01:16:33 Er'cana - Silo A Ambience
01:17:17 Er'cana - Harvester
01:22:20 Er'cana - City Silo Ambience
01:23:05 Ahnonay - Cathedral
01:25:04 Ahnonay - Sphere 2 Ambience
01:26:51 Ahnonay - Sphere 3 Ambience
01:29:37 Ahnonay - Sphere 4 Ambience 1
01:31:21 Ahnonay - Maintenance Ambience
01:33:20 Ahnonay - Sphere 4 Ambience 2
01:35:12 D'ni - The Great Tree
01:37:59 Myst - Library
01:41:48 K'veer - Random 3, 4, 2, 5, & 1
01:43:18 K'veer - Yeesha
01:46:38 Rainy Cleft - Bahro End


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