Low Fat VS. High Fat– Which Diet Is Better?

Описание к видео Low Fat VS. High Fat– Which Diet Is Better?

For full episode:
   • Breaking the Food Myths: Dr. David L....  


In this episode, our esteemed guest is Dr. David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, FACLM.

Dr. David L. Katz is physician scientist, award winning author of numerous books including multiple editions of leading textbooks and over 200 peer-reviewed publications in nutrition, preventive medicine, and epidemiology.

Dr. Katz is the founder and former director of Yale University’s Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center; Past President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine; President and Founder of the non-profit True Health Initiative; and Founder and CEO of Diet ID.

We are thrilled to present a second podcast interview with Dr. Katz, a health expert who reveals the truth about food. And we had the pleasure of speaking with him about his tremendous work in the field of nutrition, preventive medicine and epidemiology. This episode was broadcasted Live to our NEURO Academy community members, and had a Live Q&A session at the end.


The Truth About Food:
In The Truth about Food, one of the world’s leading authorities on lifestyle medicine, health promotion, and the prevention of chronic disease lays out not just what he knows about diet and health, but how and why he knows it. This book uniquely empowers readers to benefit from what’s fundamentally and reliably true - while setting us all free from fads, false claims, and distractions by showing how to differentiate truth from the exploitative “lies” that abound.

Get the book:

More episodes from The Brain Health Revolution Podcast:

Ketogenic Diet and Alzheimer's - A Scientific Review
   • Ketogenic Diet and Alzheimer's - A Sc...  

Understanding Bruce Willis's Aphasia
   • Understanding Bruce Willis' Aphasia -...  

The Fiber Fueled Revolution with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz
   • Fiber Fueled Revolution : Unlocking t...  

Alzheimer's Fraud - The Alleged Fabrication in Alzheimer's research and Articles.
   • Alzheimer's Fraud - The Alleged Fabri...  

We invite you to check out The NEURO Academy, an incredible community of individuals on a journey together towards better brain health and ultimately, prevention of brain diseases. We offer a thriving platform for evidence-based articles, blogs, weakly live sessions of Q&A and coooking sessions with Ayesha, and on-demand courses that are included within the community.


These courses are on brain-health related topics such as:

Comprehensive NEURO Plan with CME and CE certificates
Better Brain Nutrition Course, which includes a comprehensive cooking course
NEURO Coaching with certification
ADHD/ADD - and so many more coming in the future.

To sign up and learn more, please visit https://neuroacademy.com


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