桂花五仁月餅 Osmanthus & Mixed Nuts Mooncake Use Wooden Mooncake Mold|阿屋厨房 Awoo Kitchen

Описание к видео 桂花五仁月餅 Osmanthus & Mixed Nuts Mooncake Use Wooden Mooncake Mold|阿屋厨房 Awoo Kitchen

This is the traditional style mooncake with osmanthus and mixed nuts fillings. In this video I use traditional wooden mooncake mold to make mooncakes. Why osmanthus? Because osmanthus flower blooms in full swing at the time of Mid-Autume Festival aka Mooncake Festival. Hope the osmanthus sense can bring you the memories of family reunion. This is a vegetarian recipe and does not contain lard.

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这是传统月饼,今天做的馅料是桂花五仁馅。我使用了传统的木制月饼模具来做月饼。为什么是桂花呢?因为桂花在中秋节之际正式盛放的季节。 希望桂花的感觉能够给你带来合家欢聚的美好回忆。这款月饼是素食配方,不含猪油。喜欢这视频,别忘了点赞和订阅我的频道。感谢观看!

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Popular uploads (热门上传): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu3...

Ingredients: (Yield: 10 mooncakes, using 50 g mooncake mold)
all purpose flour (or cake flour) 150 g
3 Tbsp oil 38 g
1/3 cup honey about 75-80 g
1/4 tsp dietary alkali dissolved in 2 tsp (10 ml) of water
Pinch of salt

Mixed nuts 50 g
Mixed dry fruits 30 g
Sesame 15 g
Sunflower kernels 15 g
Sugar osmanthus 50 g
Oil 35 g
Toasted flour 75 g (use 100 g all purpose flour to make toasted flour, or use glutinous flour)

1 egg for egg wash (or mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp water)

Oven temperature:
1) 375 F (190 C) bake for 5 minutes
2) 300 F (150 C) bake for 7 minutes
3) 300 F (150 C) bake for 5-7 minutes

Preheat oven to 375 F (190 C), bake for 5 minutes. Then take it out and do the first egg wash. Meanwhile leave the oven door open to allow temperature cool down to 300 F (150 C). Then continue baking at 300 F (150 C) for 7 minutes, take it out and do the second egg wash (you can skip the second one if you prefer a lighter crust), then bake at 300 F (150 C) for 5-7 minutes. Let it cool completely before transfer to a covered container. Store it in a covered container under room temperature for 2-3 days before serving to allow the crust become soft for the best taste.

配料:(可做10 个月饼,使用50克的模具)
3湯匙油 38克
1/3杯蜂蜜 75-80克

混合坚果 50 克
混合果干 30克
黑白芝麻 15克
葵花子仁 15克
糖桂花 50克
油 35克
炒熟的面粉 75克 (用100克普通面粉或糯米粉炒制)

一个鸡蛋过筛用于刷蛋液 (或用蛋黄加15毫升水稀释)

1) 375 F (190 C) 烤5分钟
2) 300 F (150 C) 烤7分钟
3) 300 F (150 C) 烤5-7分钟

烤箱预热到375 F (190 C),烤5分钟, 之后取出第一次刷蛋液,同时把烤箱门打开,让温度降低到300F (150 C)。 之后进烤箱在300 F (190 C)的温度下烤7分钟, 再次取出刷第二次蛋液 (如果你喜欢月饼皮颜色淡一点的话可以省略第二次刷蛋液的步骤),最后继续在300 F (190 C) 的温度下烤5-7分钟。烤好放凉以后,放到保鲜盒里室温下回油2-3天口感最佳。

#传统月餅, #桂花五仁月饼, #mooncake, #howtousewoodenmooncakemold, #mixednutsmooncake, #素食月餅,
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