Air Strike 3D - Full Walkthrough in Nightmare

Описание к видео Air Strike 3D - Full Walkthrough in Nightmare

Ok, this game is indeed very hard in nightmare, but also quite fun.

Before this one, I've done 2 other runs in order to see which navigation method I find better, keyboard and mouse. I guess keyboard movement is quite better since it's not that hard to control, but since I'm garbage playing with keyboard, I rathered do this final run with mouse depsite the fact It's navigation is pretty trash. Now, to this run:

Deaths: 3 (all of them in mission 14)

Through this wasn't intended to be done with no deaths (I literally died around 5 to 8 times in my previous 2 runs), this game was still absurdly hard thanks to the tanky the enemies get in this difficulty. Actually, let's talk about the enemies:

Starting with probably the most annoying enemy type in the whole game: Ground Vehicles. Not only because they appear in huge numbers but because some of them, either have much health, or have extremely deadly weapons, or they are too small and fast, making them harder to deal with. And if you accumulate way to many of these, you'll find yourself in a very bad situation if not death. If you see any, get rid of them at any cost!

Another annoying enemy type is Helicopters. They're pretty easy to deal with in the first 7 levels (practiacally the whole reason those are easy), but later on, more tanky and deadly variants appear, and sometimes they can accumulate, making it hard to also deal with ground enemies or planes.
Definitely not the hardest enemy type in the game, but the "best" annoying helicopter type compared to the two sequels.

Did I mentioned planes? Well, those also are a stone in the shoe. I guess airplanes and space cutters are not annoying, but the others, oh boy.
Thunderbolts are just tanky, and their attack is quite hard to dodge, but also they are slow and their attack is not deadly at all. Now, F-15 planes are the real stuff to worry about, not only because they are absurdly tanky but their attack can be hard to dodge and sometimes deadly if you appear to be at low health. Thankfully, they don't appear frecuently and that rockets can handle them quite fine.

The other two enemy variants left to talk about are boats and turrets/cannons, but these aren't much of a big deal, mainly because they are to weak, and their attacks are easy to avoid and so, not deadly. I guess they can be like some kind of wall to protect other enemies but they're still not a thing to worry about.

Anyways, since we've talked about enemies, why don't we talk about the bosses? Ironically, the bosses in this game are easier to deal with than normal enemies, mainly the first and last boss in the game.
The first boss is served with fork, knife and napkin in the neck, as it drops a nuke and a shield in the middle of the fight. And the last boss, until you reach it you already have hundreds of rockets and superweapons. Besides, you have the flamethrower to deal with it easily (unless you're looking for points or getting 100% enemies killed, althrough dealing with the main turrets of the boss with a normal weapon doesn't even give you points).
Even through I had trouble dealing with the second boss, it actually isn't even that hard (didn't even die to it in my previous two runs), you just have to avoid his attack by moving accordingly the opposite or slowly to its direction. Basically, do not do whatever I did in there.

Now let's rank weapons (because rockets and superweapons are good by their own). If their spawn is relevant according to the difficulty of the mission, performance, etc.

Laser: Terrible, It's like the flamethrower but much more weaker. Useless. (1/10)

Flamethrower: The best and worst gun, great performance (obviously) but is also a weapon that doesn't award you any points (2/10).

Machine Gun: OK for the first missions, bad for the rest, obviously (5/10).

Meteorite Gun: Good performance in the first missions where it appears, but later on it gets a bit useless (7/10).

Impulse Gun: Also great for the first missions, I belive it also could have spawned in missions 4 and 5 (8/10).

Plasma Cannon / Laser Gun: Good performance and good spawn, same rank because I cannot really find any difference between these two (8/10).

Big Plasma / Wave Gun / G.O.R.O.X.: Great performance for later levels, they have their own abilities that differentiate them from each other: Big plasma does great damage; Wave Gun slowly creates a big range of destruction; and G.O.R.O.X. has an huge fire rate (9/10).


00:00:00 - Start
00:00:22 - Mission #1
00:04:40 - Mission #2
00:08:46 - Mission #3
00:12:41 - Mission #4
00:16:45 - Mission #5
00:20:26 - Mission #6 (First Boss)
00:25:13 - Mission #7
00:29:03- Mission #8
00:32:57 - Mission #9
00:36:49 - Mission #10
00:41:15 - Mission #11
00:44:58 - Mission #12
00:49:54 - Mission #13
00:52:54 - Mission #14 (Second Boss)
00:57:12 - Mission #15
01:01:01 - Mission #16
01:04:48 - Mission #17
01:08:35 - Mission #18
01:12:07 - Mission #19
01:15:57 - Mission #20 (Last Boss)
01:20:23 - End


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