What is IVF & steps in it? - Dr. Apoorva P Reddy

Описание к видео What is IVF & steps in it? - Dr. Apoorva P Reddy

In Vitro Fertilization or IVF or more commonly known as test tube baby may be advised for you for various reasons like blocked fallopian tubes, poor sperm quality, decreasing ovarian reserves. Some medical conditions like endometriosis , adenomyosis or even conditions like fibroid. Once a detailed evaluation is done by your doctor, a decision is taken. IVF is essentially done in 4 parts. The first part is receiving injections to the wife for the development of the oocytes. Second is for the development of these eggs or aspirating these eggs which is known as ovum pick up or egg pickup. The third part is where the sperms from your husband are fertilized by the eggs that you have aspirated. This is known as the fertilization. The fourth part, is transferring the embryo which is formed as the result of fertilization, which is known as the embryo transfer. The process of IVF usually starts on the 2nd day of your menstrual cycle on this day, you are asked to visit the clinic fir a scan and a blood test. If the scan is normal and the blood tests are alright you doctor will decide on the appropriate dose of the injections to be started. These injections shave to be taken for 9 to 123 days based on your body response. During this time you have to visit the clinic for a couple of scans and blood tests as well. These injections are stared essentially to increase the size of the eggs or ovaries. Once the eggs reach a size of about 17 to 19 mm, you will receive a new injection called the trigger. About 35 to 36 hours from your trigger, you will be posted for the next procedure or what is called as the oocyte pick up or ovum pickup


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