The Lords of Salem: Rob Zombies Most Misunderstood Film

Описание к видео The Lords of Salem: Rob Zombies Most Misunderstood Film

Rob Zombie has made quite the film career for himself over the last eighteen years. Though he may be considered controversial and polarizing to some, one can't deny the man can stir up an emotional response, clearly does what he loves, and doesn't bend to the will of the almighty critic. In today's episode of The Black Sheep, we want to discuss the odd duck in his filmography, the one entry that was a departure in style and tone from what had come before. The Lords Of Salem is his "Rosemary's Baby on acid," as our own, The Arrow describes it, and is so strange and different it just may be his magnum opus. So join us as we dig into why we love Rob Zombie's The Lords Of Salem.


SERIES SYNOPSIS: THE BLACK SHEEP features different takes on horror films that the masses or/and critics didn't care for but that we found merit in. We defend horror movies that deserve more love!

This episode of The Black Sheep was Written, Edited, and Narrated by Lance Vlcek, Produced by Lance Vlcek, and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

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