Minion Masters team battle Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk deck 團隊戰鬥 暴君牌組

Описание к видео Minion Masters team battle Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk deck 團隊戰鬥 暴君牌組

I recently tried the Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk deck, and I found that in the current meta, this deck has good strength in team battles.

The deck is quite flexible, you can put in any voidborne card, which will give the deck a lot of variety.
When Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk appears, the strength of the deck will be significantly improved, allowing for stable victory in the late game.
Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk can handle low-health group units with ease.
This deck lacks anti-air, and when Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk's ability is activated, it may produce impractical cards, leaving you with a hand full of useless cards.

I would recommend not to bring too many 2-cost cards, because when Tyrant activates his ability, there are many 3-cost voidborne cards that are not very practical, and it is easy to fill up your hand.
I beat the top players with this deck, and I think this deck can be considered an S-tier deck at the moment.
If you like, you can try to randomly combine your favorite Void cards into this deck, I'm pretty sure it's really strong at the moment.
我最近嘗試了Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk牌組,我發現在目前的版本下,這個牌組在團隊戰鬥中有不錯的強度。

當Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk出現後,牌組實力會顯著提升,使得遊戲後期能穩定拿下勝利。
Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk可以輕鬆處理低血量的群體單位。
這個牌組缺乏防空,當Korrrgoth, Tyrant Of Gor'Rakk能力發動時,有可能會產生不實用的卡片,讓你卡滿手的沒用牌。



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