你是我所有的回憶 - 齊豫

Описание к видео 你是我所有的回憶 - 齊豫

(李泰祥 曲﹐侯德建 詞)

雨在風中 風在雨裡
雨下不停風 風吹不斷雨
風靜雨停 仍揮不去想念的你
看小雨搖曳 看不到你的身影
聽微風低吟 聽不到你的聲音
眼睛不看 耳朵不聽

"You are all my memory"

The rain is in the wind, the wind is in the rain
Your image is waving in my mind
Rain couldn't calm the wind, wind couldn't stop the rain
When wind diminishes, rain ceases, you are still in my mind...
Watching the drizzles falling, can't see you...
Listening the wind humming, can't hear you...
Won't look, won't hear
All my memory left is of you

(Translation: Wendy Wang)


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