【彬彬有院】行 • 993希腊旅行第三集,跟团第一天,访问第一届奥运会现场,卫城新博物馆,登顶卫城,有点小小的遗憾,大量信息供大家参考;Greece Travel Vlog 2022 #3

Описание к видео 【彬彬有院】行 • 993希腊旅行第三集,跟团第一天,访问第一届奥运会现场,卫城新博物馆,登顶卫城,有点小小的遗憾,大量信息供大家参考;Greece Travel Vlog 2022 #3

Athens City Tour
Regular Half Day Athens Sightseeing Tour with Acropolis Museum / Pick up time at 07:35 from Hotel.
This tour gives you an opportunity to observe the striking contrasts that make Athens such a fascinating city.
Our expert guides will take you to see the Panathenaic Stadium where the first Olympic Games of modern times were held in 1896 (short stop). Continue and pass by the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Hadrian’s Arch, the Parliament and the memorial to the Unknown Soldier, the Academy, the University, the National Library, the Constitution Square (Syntagma).
On the Acropolis visit the Architectural Masterpieces of the Golden Age of Athens: The Propylaea,
the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion and finally “the harmony between material and spirit”,
the monument
that “puts order in the mind”, the Parthenon. Continue and visit the place where at last the
statues found their home and admire the wonders of the classical era: The Acropolis Museum.


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