【彬彬有院】行 • 994希腊旅行第四集《天空之城》两日游之一,风情万种的阿拉霍瓦(Arachova)小镇;世界中心德尔斐(Delphi);Greece Travel Vlog 2022 #4

Описание к видео 【彬彬有院】行 • 994希腊旅行第四集《天空之城》两日游之一,风情万种的阿拉霍瓦(Arachova)小镇;世界中心德尔斐(Delphi);Greece Travel Vlog 2022 #4

Special day tour in Delphi which had the most
famous oracle of ancient Greece and was regarded as the center of the world.
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, in a landscape of unparalleled beauty and majesty, lie the ruins of the
Sanctuary of Apollo Pythius. You will be astonished by Treasury of the Athenians, the Theatre, the Stadium and the Museum with the famous statue of Antinoos and the unique bronze statue of the Charioteer dated from 475 B.C and the famous athlete Aghias.
Gaze out of your window as you cross the Thessalian plains, passing the pretty towns of Amphissa, Lamia and Trikala, and then arrive at your Kalambaka hotel in the early evening.
Enjoy dinner at your hotel.
Overnight Kalambaka


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